This is the recording of the Global Food and Environment Institute September 2021 webinar “The importance of lipid composition of animal fats in nutrition, satiety and manufacture”.

Welcome and introductions are from the Chair, followed by a 20 minute webinar presented by Professor Megan Povey, and 10 minutes for Q&A.

During this talk Professor Povey highlighted the findings from her research in this area.
For many, it is common sense that “Fat is bad” and that “Eating fat makes you fat”. However, there is no peer reviewed scientific evidence that Animal Fats are bad for health; on the contrary, what evidence there is suggests the opposite.
Campaigns such as the ‘Traffic Light’ food labelling system which give a RED for stop label to fat have been successful in reducing fat intake but have been far less successful in reducing carbohydrate intake. The evidence is that there is a NEGATIVE correlation between the consumption of fats and obesity. The talk considered why this might be so.

This talk also considered why animal fats (and some vegetable alternatives such as cocoa butter which also contain high levels of saturated fat) offer benefits in human nutrition, satiety and manufacture, due to their underlying molecular structure and its impact on the physical form of the consumed fat. Attention will be paid to the role of trans fats in diet and processing.
Professor Povey is Professor of Food Physics, School of Food Science and Nutrition, 2002- present, University of Leeds. Honorary Visiting Professor, Jiangsu University, Zhenjiang, China 2017 onwards. Joint Director, UK-China Food Detection Forum 2015- present.

The seminar was chaired by Professor Brent Murray, Professor of Food Physics, University of Leeds.


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