Today I have a 30-hour kitchen clock, also called a “gingerbread clock” here in the United States. This clock was manufactured by Wm. L. Gilbert Clock Co., Winsted, Connecticut. A lot of American clock manufacturers chose the state of Connecticut to manufacture their clocks in. Seth Thomas chose Plymouth (now called Thomaston), Connecticut, and Sessions chose Forestville, Connecticut. Various other American clock companies were named after the cities they were located in, such as New Haven and Waterbury. Though New Haven had a few names before the manufacturer became New Haven, I’m not an expert on that, so I won’t get into it.

This clock was probably made anywhere from circa 1880-1910. It’s hard for me to say because I’m not good at dating American clocks. However, I believe upon researching that this is a fairly solid guess. Let me know if you have other thoughts!

0:00 Inspecting the clock
1:36 How it sounds
2:46 The back of the clock
3:05 The inside of the clock
4:04 Outro


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