Mark Pedersen is a long time cannabis caregiver and activist. He has fought for legalization by writing state legislations for several different states across the country and educating the public on the benefits of medical cannabis.

Marks life was changed forever when he received multiple Felony counts and fought to keep his reputation, eventually being convicted and serving probation.

Now Mark is here to tell his story and inform the public on what needs to be done to ensure legislation on real Legalization, and proper education on cannabis.

Find his work here:


CPN Youtube Channel:

Hippy Speedball Podcast IG:

HSP Merch:

Audio/Editing: Joe Loeb
Video/Editing: Shelby Haynes @consciouslycaptured
AD/PA: Betsey Brown


I discuss make-up and musical madness ft. Foodie Beauty.

I discuss make-up and musical madness ft. Foodie Beauty.

Reacting to 'Beezin' Become a channel member: Support the stream directly: Please do not use this video or platform to facilitate hateful behaviour or harassment. The...

Pain Relief Salve with CBD Infused Coconut Oil

Pain Relief Salve with CBD Infused Coconut Oil

Pain Relief Salve with CBD Infused Coconut Oil Hello I’m Chef Sky from Infuzed Cookin. Welcome to my Colorado kitchen. Today we are going to talk about-How to Make CBD Salve-Coconut Oil This is an easy way to make CBD Salve. Find out Why CBD Salve is highly beneficial...