Deano is a qualified and practicing Yoga Teacher, Personal Trainer, and Holistic Health Coach, A Wim Hof breathing method instructor and you may know him as one of the main lifeguards on Bondi Rescue the TV show.

For the past 4 years, Dean has been facilitating Power of the Breath workshops and courses, where he helps students gain a full understanding of the health benefits associated with Breathwork, helping clients heal themselves from a range of challenges including Anxiety, Respiratory conditions, Sleep disorders, Snoring and Fatigue.
Deano focussed on the study of many breathing techniques including Oxygen Advantage, XPT, Traditional pranayama, Holotropic, and CO2 tolerance for performance.


I discuss make-up and musical madness ft. Foodie Beauty.

I discuss make-up and musical madness ft. Foodie Beauty.

Reacting to 'Beezin' Become a channel member: Support the stream directly: Please do not use this video or platform to facilitate hateful behaviour or harassment. The...

Pain Relief Salve with CBD Infused Coconut Oil

Pain Relief Salve with CBD Infused Coconut Oil

Pain Relief Salve with CBD Infused Coconut Oil Hello I’m Chef Sky from Infuzed Cookin. Welcome to my Colorado kitchen. Today we are going to talk about-How to Make CBD Salve-Coconut Oil This is an easy way to make CBD Salve. Find out Why CBD Salve is highly beneficial...