These rangatahi are ready to make history as they fight to lower the voting age in New Zealand. Subscribe 👉​

Sign the Make It 16 petition:

“Make it 16” is the plea made by youth campaigners in Aotearoa and beyond to lower the voting age.

This film follows a group of inspiring, down to earth young people leading the campaign to create a more inclusive and robust democracy. They are tired of people labelling them as too immature and impressionable to engage in politics. With issues such as climate change, the recovery from Covid-19, housing and inequality affecting their futures, they are standing up and demanding to have their say.

The story gathers momentum as the young Make It 16 campaigners take their case to the High Court in Wellington, claiming that the current voting age of 18 is unjustified age discrimination, inconsistent with the Bill of Rights Act. While the law cannot be changed from this event alone, it represents the monumental first step in initiating this change that echoes powerful suffrage movements from previous generations.

Make It 16 is a Doc Edge Original commissioned by Doc Edge and Rei Foundation. Directed by Jess Feast (Ngāti Raukawa) and produced by Storybox. Made with the support of NZ on Air.



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