* So why are our CannaMallows such a big deal?

Because none of the current and new cannabis CBD edibles are really good for us, nutritionally speaking:

* They are full of sugar and other carbs.
* They contribute to the obesity and diabetes epidemics.
* They support unhealthy lifestyles.

Also, have you seen any sugar-free CBD cannabis marshmallows on the market? Of course not – until now..

Enter CannaMallows – they solve ALL of these problems and offer totally unique benefits:

* They are all natural, velvety smooth, with melt-in-the-mouth taste.
* Sugar-free yet taste fully sweet, with low calorie and glycemic index. Only only 15 calories in a mallow!
* And NO bitterness even at 25mg CBD/serving – now that is remarkable, isn’t it?

Plus, they keep fresh up to a year!


I discuss make-up and musical madness ft. Foodie Beauty.

I discuss make-up and musical madness ft. Foodie Beauty.

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Pain Relief Salve with CBD Infused Coconut Oil

Pain Relief Salve with CBD Infused Coconut Oil

Pain Relief Salve with CBD Infused Coconut Oil Hello I’m Chef Sky from Infuzed Cookin. Welcome to my Colorado kitchen. Today we are going to talk about-How to Make CBD Salve-Coconut Oil This is an easy way to make CBD Salve. Find out Why CBD Salve is highly beneficial...