CBD (Also known as ‘Cannabidiol’) is thought to have some health benefits. While some products that contain CBD is legal in the United States, marijuana is not.
CBD is one of the cannabinoids that are found in cannabis, and researchers have looked at how CBD can be used in treating a wide range of conditions. CBD oil is simply a mixture of CBD and a carrier oil, and concentrations of CBD can vary between brands.
Is CBD the Same as Marijuana?
While tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) was the most widely known cannabis compound CBD is now making its name known. However, when it comes to comparing CBD and marijuana you may be pleased to know that they are quite different. THC which is found in marijuana has a psychoactive effect and gives users the high they may have been looking for. CBD is not psychoactive at all which means it will not change your state of mind.
The good news is that while CBD does not affect your brain it can affect the body so much so that many people suggest that it has many medical benefits.

Hemp, which happens to be the least processed part of cannabis contains a lot of the CBD that is used medically. While hemp and marijuana do come from the cannabis plant they are quite different. This is because some marijuana growers breed their plants to contain higher levels of THC. However, those who grow hemp tend not to make any modifications to the plant, and it’s these plants that that are grown in order to make CBD oil.

How Exactly Does CBD work?
Every single cannabinoid produces its effects by attaching itself to specific receptors in the body and brain. Our bodies naturally produce its own cannabinoids, and they have two cannabinoid receptors known as CB1 and CB2. CB1 receptors can be found throughout the human body and brain. These receptors work with emotions, pain, appetite, thoughts, mood, and memories to name a few. THC attaches itself to each of these receptors. CB2 receptors can be found in the immune system and they can have an impact on pain and inflammation. Researchers used to think that CBD attached itself to the CB2 receptor, but it turns out that it doesn’t, instead it looks as though CBD tells the body to use its own cannabinoids.
What is CBD Oil Used For?
Thanks to the way that CBD oil works with the body it has a lot of medical benefits, these include:
• Anti-inflammatory properties
• Pain relief
• Stiffness
• Epilepsy
CBD Oil and Schizophrenia
Research has shown that CBD oil may help to reduce hallucinations and other side effects that are associated with schizophrenia.
CBD Oil and Cancer
There has been a suggestion that CBD oil could help to fight cancer. In fact, the British Journal of Clinical Pharmacology published a report that CBD could help to prevent cancer from spreading. The paper also went on to say that CBD could help to suppress the growth of some cancer cells and it may even help to destroy them.
CBD Oil and Anxiety
Many doctors tell those with anxiety (Particularly chronic anxiety) to stay away from cannabis as the THC it contains can make them feel worse. However, CBD is thought to help relieve anxiety. Studies have shown that CBD may reduce anxiety in those who suffer from:
• Social anxiety disorder
• General anxiety disorder
• Post-traumatic stress disorder
• Panic disorder
• Obsessive-compulsive disorder
CBD Oil and Diabetes
Those who suffer from type 1 diabetes are probably aware that this condition occurs as a result of inflammation that takes place when the pancreas is attacked by the immune system. Research that took place in 2016 found that CBD oil could help to ease the inflammation.

The Side Effects
While many prescription medications have side effects CBD does not tend to have any as adults generally tolerate CBD when it is used in a wide range of doses. It also appears that CBD oil has no negative effects on the CNS (Central nervous system) or on mood, even if it was taken in high doses.

CBD oil is used to treat a wide range of medical conditions and more and more studies are showing its effectiveness. If you would like to use CBD oil for the first time please speak to a healthcare professional.


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