This webinar explores Marijuana, Youth Mental Health and Trauma.

Like the age-old question, “which came first, the chicken or the egg?” those in the world of mental health often ask, which came first, mental illness or addiction? In almost every case, the answer is not so black and white. Viewing addiction through the lens of mental health, trauma is often the hidden player that helps us understand the sources of pain that lead many down a path of drug misuse. We need to acknowledge that there is another piece to the story when it comes to viewing early drug use and the impacts it has on mental health.

This one-hour workshop with a 30 minute Q and A will examine how Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACEs) have been shown to be early predictors of substance misuse later in life. We will also discuss what constitutes trauma and how to identify signs of trauma early on, in order to mitigate future addictive behaviors. Finally, we will explore the impacts that marijuana specifically has on the developing brain and learn how to reverse those impacts with healthy habits.

Learning Objectives:
-Learning about the ACEs study and the implications for future drug use.
-Identifying different types of trauma, and its response, as red flags for early drug use.
-Discussing marijuana impacts on the developing brain and how to reverse those impacts.


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