
I am relatively new to the vaping world, having only eaten edible candies or chocolate. Illinois just legalized cannabis last January, too. Back in the ’90s, I made pot brownies and such, so I am familiar with the culinary aspect, but being athletic, I didn’t, and still don’t want to have treats all the time. I also had preconceived notions about the types of people who smoked marijuana, that they were sort of lay-abouts and not ambitious. Probably because that was all that was ever emphasized about it-it’ll make you stare at your hands until you get the “munchies”.

I am one of those people who never liked the idea of being out of control of my own body, and hearing stories of being stoned made me shun the idea of ever trying something stronger than a gummy bear. Plus, I thought the only way was to smoke it, and I’m not a smoker. I know you lovingly referred to your wife as Mary Poppins, and I was like that, too. I’ve been working on myself and making health a priority since I was 12! No smoking, no drugs, no junk food, no meat, no sugar, no drinking. I have since relaxed the no drinking stance, since Mother’s Day requires a Bloody Mary or two.

I am going to be 47 in August, and while my diet serves me well, I am not 12 anymore, and have more aches and pains, injuries and surgeries. And stress. And responsibilities. All that creates pain, tension, and headaches, mainly behind my eye. I have had three foot surgeries for bunions and toe problems, which are coming back, I fractured my pelvis, and now my finger joints are giving me issues.  My thumb and my pinky on my left are painful and make me drop everything. They tested for markers for arthritis, said it looked normal, but things like Lupus and Thyroid problems run in the family. I get twinges-oh, the twinges-in my thumb that are sharp and painful.  If only I had the knowledge and wisdom about the truth of THC!

I try to lessen the inflammatory load as much as possible, but foam rolling and Epsom salt baths only take me so far. I have a few vape pens to help me relax my muscles and thoughts and that has helped me so much. I also have dry-herb vape, also helpful.  I’m not one for popping a pill for every ill, nor do I want my daughter to think that OTC meds are a safe go-to for minor issues. They have a place, sometimes, but are not without side effects. Ibuprofen makes things worse for me. It seems to make me puffier, especially my legs, which I know is opposite of what they are supposed to do.

I’ve really had to turn my ideas about cannabis around! It was lumped, likely purposely, with hard drugs and the lore of eventual ruin that comes from being a “stoner”. Since alcohol was no longer prohibited, they had to demonize something, right?

This is my “story”. Nothing dramatic, except the effects of cannabis! I’d heard of stories of it helping cancer patients from friends, and at the time it seemed too risky. I’m so glad people like you are out there advocating for it, and more are becoming accepting of it as a legitimate practice in which to partake.

Speak with you soon!


Respectfully submitted by Rebecca

If you’d like to share your Stories of Hope…we would be honored.  You can submit to [email protected]



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