Download my free thyroid resources here (including hypothyroid symptoms checklist, the complete list of thyroid lab tests + optimal ranges, foods you should avoid if you have thyroid disease, and more):

CBD oil is available over the counter in most states and can be used to help treat Hashimoto’s thyroiditis.

CBD is found within marijuana but it isn’t the same thing as marijuana. CBD is one of many cannabinoids which can have a positive impact on your physiology and certain tissues in your body.

CBD may help improve Hashimotos & thyroid function through the following ways:

#1. Its influence on immune function – CBD reduces pro-inflammatory cytokines while increasing anti-inflammatory cytokines.

#2. Its influence on the thyroid gland directly – Studies have shown that CBD has a direct impact on thyroid gland function.

#3. Its influence on your hypothalamus – Your hypothalamus helps control metabolism, appetite, and T3 levels.

Beyond these benefits, I am excited about CBD as a therapy for the following reasons:

#1. It’s safety profile.

#2. Additional benefits beyond Hashimoto’s.

#3. The fact that its another therapy for Hashimoto’s.

#4. The fact that it’s available over the counter.

#5. Patient success stories.

You can read the entire blog post here:

Recommended thyroid supplements to enhance thyroid function:
– For thyroid hormone production and conversion: +
– For hair loss:
– For weight management: +
– For gut health:
– For energy and adrenal health: +

I’m Dr. Westin Childs and I focus on thyroid health, hormone balance, and weight loss. I write about thyroid disorders, weight loss, insulin resistance, estrogen/progesterone balance on my blog. I truly believe that hormone balance is the key to managing your weight, your mood and your quality of life which is why I’m so passionate about it.

If you enjoyed this video please subscribe on youtube or leave a comment on my podcast here:

This video is not intended to be used as medical advice. If you have questions about your health please consult your physician or primary care provider. Dr. Westin Childs goes to great lengths to produce high-quality content but this is NOT a substitute for medical care.


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