This week’s episode features an incredible interview with Suzy Cohen, America’s Pharmacist and we talk all about sleep!

Suzy has been a licensed pharmacist for 30 years and is a Functional Medicine practitioner. She devotes time to educating people about the benefits of natural vitamins, herbs, and minerals.

She is the author of several natural health books such as “Thyroid Healthy” and “Drug Muggers,” also “Diabetes Without Drugs” and several other titles. You may have seen her on The Dr. OZ show or The Doctors, and Denver Morning Show, among others.

In this episode:
The importance of REM sleep

The benefits of a restful sleep

How sleep impacts your metabolism and thyroid function

What is sleep procrastination

Getting to the root of the problem instead of masking it with medication

Suzy’s tips for better sleep


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I discuss make-up and musical madness ft. Foodie Beauty.

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