Even if you’re relatively new to Terpenes, Myrcene is sure to jump out at you as it’s one of the most prominent, powerful and just about out perfect Terpene of all!

According to WeedMaps, the most notable aspect of this Terpene is that Myrcene creates fast-acting and powerful highs.

That’s why we’re excited to focus on Myrcene as our first Terp of the Week!

The Terpene Myrcene (say that five times fast!) has an Earthy flavor and aroma profile, as well as a hint of peppery, spice.

And like all other Terpenes, Myrcene contributes to the Entourage Effect.

We at Trinity Terpenes love the Entourage Effect. It’s due to the multitude of chemicals present in Cannabis and how they interact with your body’s receptors to produce a modulation of the body and mind.

What does that mean, exactly?

“Ultimately, Myrcene’s effects on the blood-brain barrier and other factors related to blood flow make it a key player in the Entourage Effect.” (weedmaps)

Enjoy Couch-Lock?

Add the Terpene Myrcene to your Cannabis product (edibles, joint, drinks, tincture, dab) and enjoy a more enhanced couch-lock.

More intense.
Longer lasting.
And a quicker arrival.

What we love most about Terpenes is the Trinity of Terpenes, as each Terpene offers an actual Trinity factor:

– Taste
– Effects
– Benefits

Myrcene’s Trinity Terpenes Factors

– Taste – Earthy, Peppery, Spice
– Effects – Relaxation, Couch-Lock
– Benefits – Anti-inflammatory, Anti-tumor, Antioxidant

So here’s to Boosting Your Vibes with the Terpene Myrcene!

And that’s easy enough with all the Terpy products we offer that contain Myrcene:

Enjoyed learning about our Terp of the Week?
Catch us next week when we discover all there is about the Terpene Beta-Caryophyllene.

Until next time…

Terpenes Speak to Us. Let Them Speak to You.

~ The Crew at Trinity Terpenes


Video Update: August 14, 2021 FLORIDIAN CANNABIS

Video Update: August 14, 2021 FLORIDIAN CANNABIS

Our daily Floridian Cannabis Video Update for August 14th ~For Medical Use Only~ Florida MMJ Patients: don't miss Dave's Daily List at 7:45am 7 days a week: http://floridiancannabis.com/ The site is updated throughout the day, always check back for the latest deals!...