Sometimes the answer to our problems is a mind set shift or change of perspective. We try to find some answers for the US Fitness market by comparing it to some of the international markets. What the markets are getting right and wrong.
Jack Thomas hosts the Fitness Business Asia podcast and owns 3 Fitness Studios in Bangkok Thailand. We sit down to have a conversation about the current state if the fitness industry and what we need to do to thrive in the current economy.
We both learned a lot and think you will too.

Key Takeaways from the episode
* Comparing the Asian market to the American market. What are each doing right or wrong
* Are we focusing on the wrong thing right now?
* We discuss Clients quitting using Covid as an excuse
* The single reason some gyms got more of their clients back
* The impact of training staff to a system on your time and productivity
* The U.S. got stimulus and Asia didn’t. How did that affect our mindsets?
* Are we spoiled in the US and the scarcity mindset
* Is the political polarity of Covid only a US thing?

Mindset and Development
What has been Jack’s most successful failure.
What has been his biggest surprise in the industry
Where does they he for personal and professional development


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