As the nation struggles with Opioids, Former Utah Congressman, Chris Cannon launches company studying Cannabidiol and Pain Management

December 5, 2017, An estimated 100 million American adults live with chronic pain. Pain affects more Americans than diabetes, heart disease and cancer combined. Doctors are struggling to find solutions for pain management and reluctant to prescribe opioids due to their addictive nature. Cannabidiol has shown promise, but there are few in-depth studies to understand effects. Newly founded Endo-C is conducting a longitudinal study of the effects of cannabidiol on pain, anxiety, and sleep and is looking for participants in Utah.


The company started with a very personal journey. Former Congressman Chris Cannon and Chairman of Endo-C watched his daughter suffer in pain through cancer. A university professor of Biology and friend said that cannabidiol would help with the pain. Shocked by the suggestion that his daughter should smoke marijuana, Cannon began researching cannabidiol. “It was surprising how little we knew about the effects of this plant. We needed to do more research to understand the benefits. So I founded Endo-C,” says Mr. Cannon

Utah HB 130 Allows CBD Research

Currently, Cannabidiol or CBD is a Schedule 1 drug and is only legally available via a study in Utah. Brad Daw, Utah State Representative sponsored Utah HB130 to allow companies like Endo-C to do the research. “We saw a lot of potential with Cannabidiol and its extracts. Doctors agreed, but they had concerns about dosage and interactions. HB130 allows companies like Endo-C to do the IRB approved research and provide that research to doctors so they can make wise decisions for their patients,” Daw said.

Doctors Struggle with Pain Management

Primary Investigator Dr. Steve Warren understands the challenge doctors face: “We as doctors are reluctant to prescribe opioids because they are so addictive and can lead to illegal drug usage. I was excited to be able to do this research to get this important information to doctors so they can make an informed decision.”

The company is using a patented bio-available consistent quality gel capsule to ensure the best outcome for the participants and accurate study results. Participants can get the benefits of a full spectrum CBD that is easier to take than other forms of CBD. The company chose to not include THC their gel capsules for this current study. Participants will not experience a “high.” The study is structured so that all participants will receive CBD.

Endo-C’s President /CEO is excited about helping find the solution: “Endo-C provides a legal pathway for people in chronic pain to access cannabidiol in a consistent high-quality dosage today. Through our CBD study, pain sufferers can log into and join the study right now.”

Endo-C’s Expansion

Endo-C’s president has built the company infrastructure to be ready to expand rapidly. He is looking to expand by doing more studies driven by Endo-C but also offering to partner with entities that need to do studies but don’t have the extensive infrastructure needed to make a study successful.

CFO, Randy Bambrough explains the company’s ambitious plans, “Endo-C has two growth vectors. We plan to launch studies in other states, possibly 3 to 5 in the coming year. And we plan to launch additional studies targeting 12 to 17 studies in 2018.”

More information on the Opioid-Overdose Crisis

Every day, more than 90 Americans die after overdosing on opioids.
The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention estimates that the total “economic burden” of prescription opioid misuse alone in the United States is $78.5 billion a year, including the costs of healthcare, lost productivity, addiction treatment, and criminal justice involvement.
Roughly 21 to 29 percent of patients prescribed opioids for chronic pain misuse them.
About 80 percent of people who use heroin first misused prescription opioids.

The need for a reduction is urgent in Utah, where about 7,000 prescriptions for opioid painkillers are issued per day on average.
Data suggests Intermountain Health Care’s 22 hospitals and 180 clinics prescribe about 19 million opioid tablets per year, said Lisa Nichols, director of community health partnerships for Intermountain.

About Endo-C

Endo-c is research driven to find alternative solutions across a broad range of health and wellness categories. In our studies, our company utilizes the latest innovations in IT and Medicine to provide keen insights and knowledge for public, medical, and the legislative communities. For more information, visit Follow us on Twitter, Facebook, and LinkedIn at ENDOCLLC.


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