Everybody is talking about a magical oil called CBD that is said to take away chronic pain from arthritis, osteoarthritis, fibromyalgia, multiple sclerosis and a host of other medical ailments including epilepsy parkinson’s disease and even cancer. But does it work? In this video I will explain what CBD oil is, what is does and how it works. And YES, it does work and it’s amazing! If you suffer from any type of pain and take pain medication of any kind PLEASE WATCH THIS VIDEO because it will change your life! I am now pain free which for me is a miracle, I don’t need to take my anxiety medication (ativan) anymore and I also quit drinking. I was in constant pain because of my back and my fibromyalgia that my quality of life was was going downhill fast, that’s why I started drinking more and more. My thumb joints hurt so bad that I had to go to my pain doctor to get shots in them just to be able to work on my computer and draw, which is my favorite hobby. Now, I have found CBD cream I just rub it in 2x a day and I am like a new person. I have energy, I am sleeping again without waking up in the middle of the night in pain from my hips, I’m in a great mood with no anxiety at all. It’s amazing! I am a total skeptic because I have tried EVERYTHING! Nothing worked. The shots worked, but it hurt of course and only lasted for about a week or so. I used pain patches but what a hassle and the smelled really bad and really didn’t work that great anyway. I tried lidocane, and of course percocet, vicodinel, tramadol all that CRAP but THIS OMG OMG OMG this is NATURAL and it WORKS! It worked after about 1/2 hour or 45 minutes or so after I took the first dropper, I put the drops under my tounge, it tasted pretty good actually, and rubbed the cream on my thumb joints, I noticed my thumb joint pain went away fast first then the general body pain from my fybro started diminishing more and more throughout the day. My mood started getting better and I started feeling better. Then the next day better, the next day even better, the more it got into my system the better I felt. Today, I am a totally different person. I can’t wait until you try it, You just won’t believe it. I would of never of believed it myself but it really does work. It’s a miracle for sure. Well, it does come from the earth so I guess GOD knows what HE”S doing huh? 🙂 🙂 🙂


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